Friday, March 26, 2021

Almost 3!

 Dear Althea, 

You are almost 3!! I can’t believe it! 💗 goodness I love you so much. You’re the sweetest little thing! Though, boy you are stubborn! Lol 

You’ll be 3 in just 3 weeks!! You are so loving and sweet. 

Developmentally you’re a little speech delayed but you’re not in speech therapy because of covid. Covid is a flu like illness that’s killed a pretty huge portion of our population over the last year. Thankfully we have all kept safe and covid free! Thank god! But!!! You know 220 words!! 

You’re also not yet potty trained. You have zero interest and you make that VERY clear. You are very attached to your diapers. You hate being changed too. You’ve peed on the potty before dozens of times but now you’ve decided you’re done with that and that you’re excited when you see your diapers. 

Unfortunately, another side effect of covid is that over the past year you’ve only left the house to go to mammy’s house, auntie moe’s, the daycare, or once you also went to the zoo- recently. So you haven’t really had much interaction with the outside world. 

You sometimes can be very demanding lol. Hands on your hips, yelling at us, typical nearly 3yo behavior lol 

You frequently tell daddy and I that you love us and I live for it. “Uv tsouu” is what you say which translates to “I love you!” It’s so sweet. 💗 

You love singing and you sing all the time!! You’ve just picked up the “got any grapes?” Song and you sing “waddle waddle, waddle waddle waddle” 😂 Another one you like is twinkle twinkle little star, “up adaya kyyy”. And the third one is “ahhhh, ahhh, ahhhh, ahhhhhhh” which is this voice from the movie Frozen which you also love. 

While we’re on the topic of things you love: you love Mickey Mouse and his friends, Frozen and Frozen 2, Vampiarina, and once in a while you’ll try a new show but you end up switching back to one of the ones above. 💜 

You’ve also got such a kind personality, you absolutely love feeling helpful and you love to make others smile and laugh. You’re absolutely silly and it’s precious lol 

I love you and I hope that as you grow up you’ll always feel the love from me that I have for you 💗. I’ll always be here for you and I’m excited to see what the years bring for me with you in our lives. You make our lives brighter just by being you. 

Age 3

 Dear Thea,  Hey baby. You are a bit over 3 years old. You had your tonsils and adenoids removed recently. You were a champ. You powered thr...