Tuesday, August 28, 2018

4.5 months

Dear Althea,
You are almost 4.5 months old! And oh boy are you intelligent! You are extremely observant and you pay very close attention to everything around you.
Over the last couple of weeks you've shown just how advanced you are! Yesterday we went for dinner and Lailah's dad's ex Fiance - Emily, was tapping her fingernails on the table making noise. You started trying to copy her! You were getting pretty upset though when your fingers didn't make noise as hers had! haha.
And a week or so ago you were playing with daddy! He would look away then snap his neck back towards you making a gasping noise and you started doing the exact same back! You would look away then turn back to him smiling!

And shortly before that you saw me picking at my nails and you started holding your little hands similar while watching me intently, then you tried to copy my hands with yours (best you could lol) It is so sweet and such a pleasure to watch you learn and grow!

You're still breastfeeding and you've grown quite a bit! You're 13 lbs 14 oz and 25.5 inches long! You can roll over from back to belly and belly to back and you're already scooting yourself on your belly across the bed! You don't know how to crawl yet but I'm sure you will soon, you try so hard to!

You love to put absolutely anything you grab into your mouth, especially your feet and other peoples fingers, and toys and you get very upset if you can't fit it, can't get in into your mouth because of you poor coordination, or if you drop something haha.
You absolutely love your big sister Lailah and you seem to be ok with Noel lmao, even though the other day whenever Noel would come near you you would literally push him away hahaha.

You're such a blessing to have and I'm so very happy to have you here with us.

I love you, Love, mommy

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