Sunday, August 5, 2018

15 weeks (3.5 months)

Dear Althea,
You are getting so big! I think you're around 14 lbs but I'm not sure. You're in size 2 diapers and 3-6 clothing - although, you're almost grown out of the 3-6 sleepers. You're very pudgy lol I actually often call you Pudge. And oh, you're so sweet!
You've started laughing! It's the sweetest little sound but you don't often do it, you're often quite serious lol. But you do smile very often now! It's adorable and a bit funny because you are so bashful! Whenever someone gets you to smile you bat your eyes and look down and away, it is so sweet! It's so interesting to me that you already have a personality.

You wake about twice a night to nurse and you sleep in your own little space in your crib next to daddy's and my bed.
Your sister and brother absolutely adore you and love having you here in their lives, although, they are quite jealous that you get so much attention since you're the baby.

You've also started rolling over but you only roll to your left lol, you can now reach and grasp for stuff - Lailah's hair being at the top of your favorite to grab list haha!, you're not very interested in toys or anything yet but you do like to stick things in your mouth and gnaw on them. When you're tired you do this whining complaining baby chatter lol it's adorable, you don't cry, you just sort of yell at me lol. You also love to be in the carrier but ONLY if you're facing outwards, you love to watch the world around you.

Lailah also wants it noted that you pout. I've personally never seen this pout but Lailah, Mammy, Daddy, and others have told me that sometimes you pout at them! I haven't ever seen it, I must not make you that unhappy :p You're observant and you like watching the world around you with your big beautiful eyes. You're growing so well physically and mentally. I'm so happy to have you here in our family.
Otherwise, you're still new to this world. I can't wait to spend decades with you. <3
Love, Mommy

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