Saturday, February 15, 2020

Almost 2

Dear Althea,
You are almost 2. You talk in one word phrases.... yeah!, no, hey!, more, WHY?!, wow!, and sorry!, hi, and bye. You also know how to say mommy, daddy, Lailah, and Noel.
You fell about a month back and had to get 3 stitches under your chin.. you are always running, dancing, and singing, you love it. Last night you were having your own little performance and when daddy walked by you shouted, "hey!" at him, because he must have interrupted your routine or something haha, it was pretty cute and funny.
You're super helpful - you like to help with the dustpan while we're sweeping and putting the dirt in the trashbin, you like to throw things away, and you like to help sort laundry. You're a sweet little soul.
You love our kitties and you're so gentle with them too.
You're still breastfeeding but I am currently 9 weeks pregnant with your next little sibling so it's pretty painful and uncomfortable for me to nurse you right now, so I am only nursing you to bed and down for naps. You're not too happy about it but you're coping with it well enough.
You really enjoy laying with Lailah and watching cartoons as well as chasing Noel around the house trying to tag him. I hope that you all will always have the loving bond that you currently share.
There's not much more that I can think to add right now, it's also getting late and I've got to lay you down for bedtime soon.
I love you <3 lov mommy

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Age 3

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