Wednesday, May 30, 2018

6 weeks!

Dear Althea,
I can not believe that 6 weeks has flown by already!! You have gotten SO big in such a short amount of time. I think you're around 11-12 lbs but I'm not positive. You are 100% breastfed and never have had formula.

You are THE easiest going baby I've had so far. You sleep in your own space! You've been sleeping in a rock and play bassinet near our bed most of the time at night. I nurse you, then daddy takes you to burp you, then he lays you down. At night you typically sleep a 4-5 hour stretch then a 2-3 hour stretch after that, only waking twice most nights.

You don't usually fuss but today you're fussy and you might be for the rest of the week due to the 6 week growth spurt.

You've just recently started looking up at us and watching our faces as we talk to you or as we are doing something. You've also just started making the sweetest little coos. You often attempt to suck your thumb but you don't quite have the coordination for it yet, but if you get a hold of it you suck away on it lol. Other than those things you're not doing too much else yet.

You recognize daddy, Lailah, Noel, and I. You adore Lailah so much and sometimes you'll cry and nobody can soothe you besides her. You also seem to be able to smell me, when I walk by, you often will search for me or cry out for me.

You love movement like your swing and being worn on my chest. You're pretty easily soothed.
I can't wait to get to know you better as you grow and as your personality begins to develop and shine through. <3
I love you,
love Mommy.

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