Monday, June 18, 2018

9 weeks

Dear Althea,
You are 2 months old. You're growing so quickly. You are about 12 lbs. You're in size 1 diapers and 0-3 and some 3-6 clothing.

Last night you slept 9 hours straight without waking for a feed, you did fuss a few times but went right back to sleep even though I tried to nurse you. You have been awake more often this past week but some days you sleep more. You're going through a mental leap and I'm sure it's exhausting.

You've started cooing, smiling, and you hold your head up really well on your own!

You took your very first trip to the ER about a week ago - I fell going up the stairs from you and I was afraid you had gotten hurt, but thankfully you were perfectly fine.
You're still breastfeeding strong!
You're so sweet and pudgy :D.
We all love you so so much. <3
Love, Mommy

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